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Articles Request

You can request for articles by one of the following methods:

    Citation – Useful if you wish to order just a small number of articles. Click this link and enter details of each article one by one. The journal name is compulsory. It would be useful to provide maximum details
    PMIDs – Useful if you have done a PubMed search and wish to order a number of articles. Once you run your search, select the items for which you would like full articles. Go to the display Format​ area (just below the search box). Change the option – “Summary” to “PMID list”. When you do this, a list of PMIDs appear. Copy and paste these in the search box that appears when you choose this option
    Upload file – Useful if you have a Word or Excel file of a list of citations or PMIDs. Choose this option and simply upload the file

Do contact​ us on ​​+912240054474 or info@qmedin.com, in case you have any problem​

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